Glossary of Address Information System (TSK 56)

Osoitetietojärjestelmän sanasto, Ordlista om adressinformationssystem

© Finnish Terminology Centre 2021
ISBN 978-951-48-0274-4 (PDF, National Land Survey of Finland)
ISSN 1795-6323 (online publication, Finnish Terminology Centre)

The glossary is available:
- in PDF format
- in the TEPA Term Bank
- in the Terminologies tool on the Interoperability Platform

Languages of the glossary:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish

The Finnish Terminology Centre and the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) started terminology work in the beginning of 2021 to support the development of a national address information system in Finland. The purpose of the work was to define concepts related to the system, to recommend Finnish terms and to clarify the use of terms. The glossary also aims to facilitate the semantic interoperability of public administration.

The glossary contains 21 central concepts for the address information system, and it focuses on concepts linked to the creation, structure and position of addresses. The terms and concept descriptions are given in Finnish and term equivalents in Swedish and English.

Subject field experts from the NLS, City of Helsinki, Posti, Digital and Population Data Services Agency and Ministry of the Environment participated in the work group. The terminology work was funded by the National Land Survey.