R & D and standardisation

Although the Finnish Terminology Centre is not really a research institute, we keep ourselves up-to-date with the theory of terminology. The systematic application of the theory is also one of our best assets in developing the methods of practical terminology work and using them in our projects. In addition, several research projects have been carried out by the Terminology Centre during the past few years, dealing with the development of the methods and tools for terminology work.

The R & D efforts are closely related to the standardisation of the principles and methods of terminology work. Because of this, we participate actively in the work of ISO/TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources which is a technical committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). As a practitioner, the Terminology Centre has been able to test the principles and methods of terminology in practice, and this experience has proved to be extremely valuable in the development and standardisation of the methodology.

A list of ISO/TC 37 standards can be found on the web site of the committee.

Published standards: