
Valitse kieli: suomi   ruotsi   englanti

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  Å  Ä  Ö  

labour force participation rate
late payment interest
layout for the balance sheet
layout for the income statement
layout for the profit and loss account
layout of the balance sheet
layout of the income statement
layout of the profit and loss account
leading indicators
lease assets (1)
lease assets (2)
legal reserve
legal risk
legal tender
legislative risk
leverage ratio
liabilities to credit institutions
liabilities to the public and general government
liabilities (1)
liabilities (2)
liabilities (3)
lien on a motor vehicle
lien (1)
lien (2)
limit of credit
line of credit
liquid assets
liquidity deficit
liquidity reserve
liquidity risk
liquidity surplus
loan against a personal guarantee
loan against pledge
loan in foreign currency
loan loss
loan period
loan with a fixed amortization schedule
loan with interest subsidy
loans and advances to credit institutions
loans and advances to the public and general government
loans to euro area residents
long-term benefits
long-term bond fund
long-term debt security
long-term loan
longer-term refinancing operation
loss for the period (1)
loss for the period (2)
loss from ordinary activities after minority interests
loss from ordinary activities after non-controlling interests
loss margin
low value payment instrument
lump-sum allowance
lump-sum credit