
Valitse kieli: suomi   ruotsi   englanti

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  Å  Ä  Ö  

safe custody of financial instruments
safe deposit box
safe-deposit box
safekeeping of financial instruments
safety deposit box
save for a home
save for a pension
save for a target
save monthly
saving based on interest rates
saving in a bank
saving in investment funds
saving in mutual funds
savings account
savings agreement
savings bank basic capital
savings bank basic fund
savings goal
savings target
savings (1)
savings (2)
secondary guarantee
secondary market
secondary pledge
sector fund
secured loan
securities account
securities broker
securities brokerage
securities certificate
securities market
securities markets
securities note
securities repurchase commitments
securities trading
security trading
security (1)
security (2)
sell short
sender address
sending address
sending notification
SEPA card
SEPA credit transfer
SEPA direct debit
SEPA payment
SEPA payment instrument
service fee
settlement date
settlement day
settlement risk
settlement (1)
settlement (2)
share capital
share certificate (1)
share certificate (2)
share of associates' profit or loss
share of fees paid to an associated investment firm
share performance indicator
share premium
share premium reserve
share price development
shareholders' equity (1)
shareholders' equity (2)
shares and interests
shares and interests in group entities
shares and interests in participating interest undertakings
shares and participations
shares and participations in Group entities
Sharpe ratio
ship mortgage
short seller
short selling
short-term bond fund
short-term debt security
short-term interest rate
short-term loan
simple interest
single euro payments area
single payment loan
single payment transaction
single rate tender procedure
small depositor
small investor
small saver
smart card
SMS service
solvency ratio
sovereign debt
special guarantee
special mutual fund
Stability and Growth Pact
stability programmes
staff costs
Stage One of EMU; see Economic and Monetary Union
Stage Three of EMU; see Economic and Monetary Union
Stage Two of EMU; see Economic and Monetary Union
standard deviation
standard tender
standing facility
standing order
state guarantee
state guaranteed loan for an owner-occupied apartment
state-subsidised housing loan
statement of account
statutory provisions
stock broker
stock certificate
stock exchange
stock exchange member
stock trading
straight loan
strategic risk
structural operation
structured creditor reference
structured investment product
student loan
subordinated liabilities
subscription assignment
subscription fee
subscription order
subsidiary account
suitability test
summary note
supplementary interest
SWIFT address
SWIFT network