Participants in terminology work and ontology work

Terminology work always calls for expertise both in the subject field in question and in the methods of terminology work.

Ontology work and what it is needed for

Terminology work, in its most traditional form, aims to make communication more effective between humans. Ontology work, in turn, aims to present data about concepts in a way that allows even computers to make use of it. The objective of ontology work is to create and maintain ontologies in which information on the concepts of a special field of knowledge is presented in a format that supports machine reasoning.

Terminology project on government grant activities to continue in autumn 2022

In autumn 2022, the Finnish Terminology Centre will continue the terminology work, commissioned by the CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd., that has as its objective to draw up descriptions for the key concepts related to government grant activities and activities financed by government grants. The overall aim of the terminology work is to support the development and digitalisation of government grant activities.

Terminology project on government grant activities to continue in spring 2022

In spring 2022, the Finnish Terminology Centre will continue the terminology work, commissioned by the CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd., with the aim of drawing up descriptions for the key concepts related to government grant activities and activities financed by government grants. The aim of the terminology work is to support the development and digitalisation of government grant activities.

Event, hobby and education classifications published

In May 2021, The Finnish Terminology Centre and the City of Turku initiated a project to create classifications on events, recreational activities and education. The work took place under the umbrella of a more general project Asiakaslähtöinen toteutus tapahtuma-, harrastus- ja koulutusdatan hallinnoimiselle ja tarjoamiselle kohderyhmälähtöisissä näkymissä (Customer-oriented implementation for managing and providing event, hobby and training data in a target group-oriented outlook).

Business Ontology combined with the Finnish Ontology for Public Administration Services

The Finnish Terminology Centre commenced in September 2020 an ontology project in which the concepts of the Business Ontology were combined to the Finnish Ontology for Public Administration Services. On the same occasion, the General Finnish Ontology on which the Finnish Ontology for Public Administration Services is built, was updated to its newest frozen version (2021.3.Epikuros). These ontology works were completed in summer 2021. The Finnish Ontology for Public Administration Services now has more than 5800 concepts. The ontology contains information in Finnish, Swedish and English, but this project only focused on the information in Finnish.

Terminology work on information security

The National Emergency Supply Agency commissioned the Finnish Terminology Centre for a terminology project in March 2022. The aim of the project is to provide concept descriptions for five to ten key concepts related to information security and influencing on information. The terms and concept descriptions will be given in Finnish and term equivalents in English.

The terminology work will be carried out by a terminologist of the Finnish Terminology Centre in close collaboration with subject field experts from various organisations. The project will be carried out in spring 2022.

Glossary of Adapted Physical Activity

The Finnish Terminology Centre and the Finnish Society of Sport Sciences started terminology work in the end of 2021. The aim is to define about 50 concepts related to exercise and sports for persons with a disability. Terms and concept descriptions are given in Finnish, equivalents in Swedish and English. The glossary will be ready in autumn 2022.